François Allisson

historian of economic thought

Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus von (1868–1931)

The Polish-Russian economist and statistician based in Germany was a go-between the Continental European and the Russian academic worlds. I wish to work more on that aspect in the future. For now, you can have a look at those:

  • François Allisson, Value and Prices in Russian Economic Thought: A Journey Inside the Russian Synthesis, 1890-1920. London: Routledge (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics no 173). 2015 (Paperback 2019). 180 pages. (details)
    • Chapter 6. The mathematicians’ syntheses
  • François Allisson, Danila E. Raskov, “Из переписки В.И. Борткевича с Л. Вальрасом: страницы истории Лозаннской школы”, Вестник С.-Петербургского университета (Серия 5), 1: 72-87, 2012. (PDF)
