François Allisson

historian of economic thought

CherbuliezCekhanoveckijWalrasSieberParetoTugan-BaranovskyWiniarskiBortkiewiczLuxemburgMoszkowskaDobbRobinsonBettelheimKondratiev InstituteGoldschmidt-Clermontmeiksins-wood.jpgBrenner


Articles & Co

Journal Articles

  • François Allisson, “Leonid Naumovich Yurovsky et sa lecture « soviétique » de Pareto”, Revue européenne des sciences sociales, 61(2): 161-177, 2023. (DOI)
  • François Allisson, “Tugan‑Baranovsky and the West”, Russian Journal of Economics, 7(1): 19-33, 2021. (DOI)
  • François Allisson, Antoine Missemer, “Some Historiographical Tools for the Study of Intellectual Legacies”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 84: 132-141, 2020. (DOI) (Post Print)
  • François Allisson, Federico D’Onofrio, Danila Raskov, Leonid Shirokorad, “Marxism before Marxism: Nikolaj Sieber and the birth of Russian social-democracy”, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27(2): 298-323, 2020. (DOI) (Accepted Manuscript PDF)
  • François Allisson, Thomas Mueller, “From Walras’s Physics Envy To Winiarski’s Mécanique Sociale”, History of Economic Ideas, XXVI(2): 103-123, 2018.
  • François Allisson, “Н.И. Зибер - Влиятельный ученый-одиночка”, Terra Economicus, 14(4): 84-91, 2016. [Transl. title: N.I. Sieber as a Solitary but Influent Scholar]. (PDF)
  • François Allisson, “Tugan-Baranovsky on Socialism: From Utopia to the Economic Plan”, Œconomia (History | Methodology | Philosophy), 4(1): 35-53, 2014. (read online)
  • François Allisson, Nicolas Brisset, “Une approche stratégique du vote. À propos de «Vote par approbation, vote par note»”, Revue économique, 65(3): 681-686, 2014. (web) This paper is a comment of “Vote par approbation, vote par note (Baujard et al., 2013), published in the Revue économique. See their answer to our comment, in the same issue: ”Vote par approbation, vote par note. Une réponse au commentaire d’Allisson et Brisset" Baujard et al., 2014.
  • François Allisson, Danila E. Raskov, “Из переписки В.И. Борткевича с Л. Вальрасом: страницы истории Лозаннской школы”, Вестник С.-Петербургского университета (Серия 5), 1: 72-87, 2012. (PDF)
  • François Allisson, “Une pensée économique russe ? Présentation de l’article ‘Science Économique’ de Tugan-Baranovskij (1899)”, Œconomia (History | Methodology | Philosophy), 1(1): 101-121, 2011. (read online) Contains the original translation in French, from the Russian, of Tugan-Baranovsky’s “Economic Science” (1899). (read online)
  • François Allisson, “Reception of Walras’ theory of exchange and theory of production in Russia”, The History of Economic Thought, 51(1): 19-35, 2009. (PDF)
  • François Allisson, Laurie Breban, Pascal Bridel, “Bibliographie des écrits de Clément Juglar (1846-1904)”, Revue européenne des sciences sociales, XLIV(143): 107-124, 2009. (read online | PDF)

Book Chapters, Encylopedia Entries, Introductions, Published Proceedings

  • François Allisson, “Tugan-Baranovsky and the West”, in Vladimir S. Avtonomov and Harald Hagemann (eds), Russian and Western Economic Thought. Mutual Influence and Transfer of Ideas, Cham: Springer, 27-41, 2022. (doi)
  • François Allisson, Danila Raskov, Leonid Shirokorad, “Почему Зибер?” [Why Sieber?], in François Allisson, Danila E. Raskov, Leonid D. Shirokorad (eds), Политическая экономия Николая Зибера. Антология [The Political Economy of Nikolay Sieber: An Anthology], Moscow: Institute Gaidar and St. Petersburg: Institute Smolny, 7-10, 2022.
  • François Allisson, “Н.И. Зибер - Влиятельный ученый-одиночка” [N.I. Sieber as a Solitary but Influent Scholar], in François Allisson, Danila E. Raskov, Leonid D. Shirokorad (eds), Политическая экономия Николая Зибера. Антология [The Political Economy of Nikolay Sieber: An Anthology], Moscow: Institute Gaidar and St. Petersburg: Institute Smolny, 11-18, 2022. (Reprint of a 2016 article)
  • François Allisson, “The Role of Nikolay Sieber in Early Russian Marxism”, in Vladimir S. Avtonomov and Alexander Ya. Rubinshtein (eds), Ekonomicheskie teorii v prostranstve i vremini, chap. 14: 325–337. St. Petersburg: Aletejja and Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Science, 2020. (pdf)
  • François Allisson, Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, “La dette publique: une histoire longue”, in François Allisson, Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche (eds), La dette publique: une histoire longue, Special Issue in Œconomia (History | Methodology | Philosophy), 9(4): 725-726, 2019. (read online)
  • François Allisson, “Penser l’Histoire : la dynamique du capitalisme”, in Samuel Ferey et Sylvie Rivot (eds), Histoire de la pensée économique, chap. 6: 141-163. Paris: Pearson, 2019.
  • François Allisson, “Rusia y Ucrania”, in Vincent Barnett (ed.), Historia del pensamiento económico mundial, chap. 10: 153-163. Madrid: Ediciones Parainfo, 2017. (Spanish translation of the 2015 chapter)
  • Roberto Baranzini, François Allisson, “Lausanne School”, in Gilbert Faccarello and Heinz D. Kurz (eds), Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, Volume II. Schools of Thought in Economics, chap. 19: 281-294. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016. (web)
  • François Allisson, “Russia and Ukraine”, in Vincent Barnett (ed.), Routledge Handbook of the History of Global Economic Thought, chapter 10: 102-110. London: Routledge, 2015. (web)
  • Roberto Baranzini, François Allisson, "Introduction, in Roberto Baranzini, François Allisson (eds), Economics and Other BranchesIn the Shade of the Oak Tree. Essays in Honour of Pascal Bridel, chapter 1: 1-5. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2014. (web)
  • François Allisson, “Samsonoff on Rent Theory: Or, Yet Another Member of the Lausanne School?”, in Roberto Baranzini, François Allisson (eds), Economics and Other BranchesIn the Shade of the Oak Tree. Essays in Honour of Pascal Bridel, chapter 8: 113-122. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2014. (web)
  • Amanar Akhabbar, François Allisson, “Russian Political Economy from Utopia to Social Engineering: An Introduction”, Œconomia (History | Methodology | Philosophy), 4(1): 5-15, 2014. (read online)
  • François Allisson, “From Crises to Cycles: Tugan-Baranovsky and the Brockhaus-Efron (1895-1915)”, in Daniele Besomi (ed.), Crises and Cycles in Economic Dictionaries, chapter 17: 343-360. Abingdon, Routledge, 2011.
  • François Allisson, “Tugan-Baranovsky, Mikhail Ivanovich”, in James Ciment (ed.), Booms and Busts. An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipmania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, vol. 3: 842-844. Sharpe Reference, Armonk, 2010.
  • François Allisson, “Les premiers lecteurs de Walras en Russie (1890-1919)”, in Études d’économie walrassienne, Les Cahiers OMI, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, HS n°6: 57-75, 2008. Contains the translations from Russian to French of Shaposhnikov, Nikolay, “Walras”, Granat Dictionary, 1912 (original | translation); and of Anonymous, “Walras. Elements d’économie politique pure”, Russian Thought, 1891 (original | translation).

Book Reviews

  • François Allisson, Review of “Jean-Pierre Potier, Léon Walras, économiste et socialiste libéral. Essais, Classiques Garnier, Paris, 2019, 564 pp., €58”, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 30(2): 338–340, 2023. (web)
  • François Allisson, Review of “Vincent Barnett. E. E. Slutsky as Economist and Mathematician: Crossing the Limits of Knowledge”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 34(3), 442-445, 2012. (web)
  • François Allisson, Review of “Vincent Barnett. A History of Russian Economic Thought”, Œconomia (History | Methodology | Philosophy), 1(3): 459-462, 2011. (read online)
  • François Allisson, Review of “Vincent Barnett and Joachim Zweynert (eds), Economics in Russia: Studies in Intellectual History”, History of Economic Ideas, XVIII(1): 229-232, 2010.