François Allisson Historian of economic thought |
Tugan-Baranovsky, Mikhail Ivanovich (1865–1919)
Tugan-Baranovsky is my favourite Russian/Ukrainian economist. Here are my publications about him:
- François Allisson, “Tugan-Baranovsky and the West” (three versions):
- François Allisson, Value and Prices in Russian Economic Thought: A
Journey Inside the Russian Synthesis, 1890-1920. London: Routledge
(Routledge Studies in the History of Economics no 173). 2015
(Paperback 2019). 180 pages. (details)
- Chapter 4. Tugan-Baranovsky on capitalism and socialism
- Chapter 5. Tugan-Baranovsky’s synthesis
- François Allisson, “Tugan-Baranovsky on Socialism: From Utopia to the Economic Plan”, Œconomia (History | Methodology | Philosophy), 4(1): 35-53, 2014. (read online)
- François Allisson, “Une pensée économique russe ? Présentation de l’article ‘Science Économique’ de Tugan-Baranovskij (1899)”, Œconomia (History | Methodology | Philosophy), 1(1): 101-121, 2011. (read online) Contains the original translation in French, from the Russian, of Tugan-Baranovsky’s “Economic Science” (1899). (read online)
- François Allisson, “From Crises to Cycles: Tugan-Baranovsky and the Brockhaus-Efron (1895-1915)”, in Daniele Besomi (ed.), Crises and Cycles in Economic Dictionaries, chapter 17: 343-360. Abingdon, Routledge, 2011.
- François Allisson, “Tugan-Baranovsky, Mikhail Ivanovich”, in James Ciment (ed.), Booms and Busts. An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipmania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, vol. 3: 842-844. Sharpe Reference, Armonk, 2010.
Bust location: Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovsky (DonNUET).