
François Allisson

Historian of economic thought

CherbuliezCekhanoveckijWalrasSieberParetoTugan-BaranovskyWiniarskiBortkiewiczLuxemburgMoszkowskaDobbRobinsonBettelheimKondratiev InstituteGoldschmidt-Clermontmeiksins-wood.jpgBrenner


Value and Prices in Russian Economic Thought

François Allisson, Value and Prices in Russian Economic Thought: A Journey Inside the Russian Synthesis, 1890-1920. London: Routledge (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics no 173). 2015 (Paperback 2019). 180 pages.

Value and Prices in Russian Economic Thought

Table of contents:

It received the ESHET Best Book Award 2016.


The book is a revised version of my 2012 PhD dissertation, which received the Joseph Dorfman Prize by the History of Economics Society and the Prix de la Société Académique Vaudoise.

PhD Dissertation (2012)

Value and prices in Russian economic thought (1890-1920)

PhD in economics - history of economic thought, Department of Economics (HEC), University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012.

  • Supervisor: Prof. Pascal Bridel (University of Lausanne)
  • Members of the committee:
    • Prof. Vladimir Avtonomov (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
    • Prof. Jean-Pierre Potier (ENS Lyon)
    • Prof. Richard Arena (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
    • Prof. Roberto Baranzini (University of Lausanne)
    • Prof. Pascal Bridel (University of Lausanne)

An abstract of my dissertation was published in:

This dissertation was awarded the following prizes:

  • Joseph Dorfman Prize for the best dissertation on the history of economics 2013

    Awarded by the History of Economics Society, at the 2013 Annual Conference (20-22 June 2013).

  • Prize of the Société Académique Vaudoise 2012

    Awarded by the Société Académique Vaudoise, at the Diès academicus of the University of Lausanne (31 May 2013), to distinguish the year best dissertation from the University of Lausanne, all departments included.

    Pour son exemplaire reconstruction historique et analytique des débats sur la valeur et les prix dans la pensée économique russe, basée sur trente ans de littérature primaire très peu traduite et largement inédite.