François Allisson
historian of economic thought
The Political Economy of Nikolay Sieber: An Anthology
François Allisson, Danila E. Raskov, Leonid D. Shirokorad (editors), Политическая экономия Николая Зибера. Антология [The Political Economy of Nikolay Sieber: An Anthology], Moscow: Institute Gaidar and St. Petersburg: Institute Smolny, 2022. 480 pages.
Table of contents (translated from the Russian):
- Introduction
- Sieber’s Intellectual Biography: Contemporary Readings
- F. Allisson. N. I. Sieber as a Solitary but Influent Scholar
- D. Raskov. Who Was Sieber? Context of an Intellectual Biography
- A. Pogrebnyak. The Exception and the Rule: Sieber’s Politico-Economic Arguments Against Marginalism Before its Triumph
- Sieber’s Intellectual Biography: Perspective from the End of the
19th Century to the Beginning of the 20th Century
- A. Romanovich-Slavatinsky. Reminiscence of Sieber
- D. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky. Nikolay Ivanovich Sieber
- N. Klejnbort. N. I. Sieber’s Life and Personality
- N. Tkachenko. N. I. Sieber in Kiev (1864–1876)
- Sieber as the First Russian Marxist and Ricardian
- L. Shirokorad. N. Sieber and K. Marx in the History of Pre-Revolutionary Russian Economic Thought
- D. Naumov. The Place of Sieber in the History of Marxism and in the Revolutionary Movements in the Ukraine and in Russia
- A. Kappeler. Н. И. Зибер — Микола Зiбер — Niclaus Sieber. A Swiss as Pioneer Marxist in Russia
- J. White. Nikolay Sieber as the First Russian Marxist
- R. Scazzieri. Sieber on Ricardo
- A. Dubyansky. Marxist Monetary Theory According to Sieber
- Sieber on Rent, Economic Development and Primitive Economic Culture
- A. Dubyansky. Ricardo’s Theory of Rent according to Sieber
- D. Raskov. N. I. Sieber as a Cabinet Economist-Anthropologist
- A. Dubyansky. Sieber and Voroncov on the Capitalist Way of Development for Russia
- Bibliographies
- Ya. Rezul’. N. I. Sieber (Bibliography).
- Bibliography and Index of Cited Sources in N. I. Sieber’s Essays on Primitive Economic Cultures (1883)
- List of References
- Appendices
- N. I. Sieber. Some Remarks about Yu. Zhukovsky’s Paper “Karl Marx and his Book About Capital”; On Consumer Cooperatives; Railway Economy; Science and Journalism
- Necrologies
- Encyclopaedic Entries
- Materials from the Archives
- Letters from the Archives