François Allisson

historian of economic thought


Invited speeches

  • Conference on the History of Economic Thought Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 24-26 August 2023. Keynote Lecture “Tugan-Baranovsky’s Ethical Socialism”.
  • XXII April International Academic Conference, Higher School of Economics, Moscow (online), 14 April 2021. Special session on the “150 Years of the Marginalist Revolution”. “Léon Walras and the Fuzzy Legacy of the Lausanne School”.
  • Rethinking Economics Lausanne, Lausanne (online), 8 March 2021. Conference on “Marxist Political Economy in Russia”.
  • First October International Scientific Conference on Theoretical Problems of Economics: Forgotten Economists and Rejected Theories, (Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Science; Higher School of Economics), Moscow, 3-5 October 2019. Conference on “The Role of Nikolay Sieber in Early Russian Marxism”.
  • Cercle d’épistémologie économique (Université de Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne), Paris, 31 January 2019. Conference on “« Le chat et la souris. » Écrire l’économie en Russie impériale: Sieber et la censure russe (1869-1888)”.
  • Séminaire LARHRA-Triangle (double seminar with Simon Godard), Lyon, 18 January 2018. “Le marxisme russe et la question ukrainienne dans les années 1870–1880”.
  • XXXVIII CAMHIST Seminar, Cambridge Seminar in the History of Economic Analysis at Clare Hall, 20 July 2017. Seminar on “Sieber as the First Russian Marxist” (abstract).
  • Blanqui Lecture 2017, European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET), University of Antwerp, 20 May 2017. Plenary talk for the ESHET Best Book Award, “«Is There Really Anything Uglier Than a Modern City?» Russian Economic Thought In Search For a Better World”.
  • Cercle d’épistémologie économique (Université de Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne), Paris, 10 April 2014. Conference on “Dr. Marx and Mr. Walras en Russie”.
  • HES Annual Conference 2013 (History of Economics Society), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 20-22 June 2013. Plenary talk for the Joseph Dorfman Prize. “Value and prices in Russian economic thought (1890-1920)”.
  • Association Léman Russe, Lausanne, Switzerland, 18 January 2013. Public conference on “Valeur et prix dans la pensée économique russe”.

International conferences

  • 20th Conference of the Association Charles Gide, Science Po Bordeaux, France, 20-22 June 2024. ``Neoliberal or Merely Liberal? A Critique of the Foucauldian Literature on Neoliberalism’’. With Sina Badiei.
  • 20th Conference of the Association Charles Gide, Science Po Bordeaux, France, 20-22 June 2024. ``Du pain et des jeux? A propos de l’enseignement de l’histoire de la pensée économique’’
  • 27th ESHET Annual Conference (European Society for the History of Economic Thought), University of Graz, Austria, 9-11 May 2024. ``Neoliberal or Merely Liberal? A Critique of the Foucauldian Literature on Neoliberalism’’. With Sina Badiei.
  • 52nd Annual UK History of Economic Thought Conference (THETS), Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, England, 31 August–2 September 2022. “Charles Bettelheim and the Genesis of a Planning Doctor”.
  • 19th Conference of the Association Charles Gide, University of Paris 1–Centre Panthéon, Paris, France, 7–9 July 2022. ``Charles Bettelheim et la genèse d’un planning doctor’’.
  • 25th ESHET Annual Conference (European Society for the History of Economic Thought), University of Padova, Italy, 9-11 June 2022. ``Charles Bettelheim and the Genesis of a Planning Doctor’’.
  • 18th Conference of the Association Charles Gide, University of Lausanne, 10-12 September 2020. “Tugan-Baranovsky and the West”.
  • 10th Conference of the International Walras Association, University of Lausanne, 13-14 September 2019. “La théorie fiscale de Walras en Russie (1860–1862)”.
  • Early Marxism in Europe: Nikolay Ivanovich Sieber (1870s–1880s), ESSCA Paris, France, 22 May 2019. “Writing and Reading Between the Lines: From Sieber to a Larger Take on Censorship”.
  • 17th International Conference of the Association Charles Gide, Nancy, France, 27–29 September 2018. “Charles Bettelheim et la planification (1939–1946)”.
  • Learning By The Book, Princeton University, 6-10 June 2018. “Maurice H. Dobb’s Wages (1928-1974): A Cambridge Handbook Against the Standardization of Knowledge?”. With Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche (programme).
  • XIX April International Academic Conference, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 10-13 April 2018. “Towards an intellectual biography of N.I. Sieber”. With Federico D’Onofrio.
  • 49th Annual UK History of Economic Thought Conference (THETS), City University of London, England, 4-5 September 2017. “Wages, A Sceptical History”. With Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche.
  • 21th ESHET Anual Conference (European Society for the History of Economic Thought), Antwerp, Belgium, 18-20 May 2017. “Towards an intellectual biography of N.I. Sieber”. With Federico D’Onofrio.
  • 21th ESHET Anual Conference (European Society for the History of Economic Thought), Antwerp, Belgium, 18-20 May 2017. “A Historiographical Note on Intellectual Legacy”. With Antoine Missemer.
  • Sismondi et l’économie politique comme science sociale, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 27-28 January 2017. “Sismondi dans les encyclopédies russes et soviétiques”.
  • New Approaches towards the Historical Method of Economics (Comparative Perspectives), Le Logis du Roy, CRIISEA, Amiens, 15-16 September 2016. “A Few Insights From the «Routledge Handbook of the History of Global Economic Thought» (2014)” (programme).
  • 20th ESHET Annual Conference (European Society for the History of Economic Thought), Paris, France, 26-28 May 2016. “The Transformation Problem and «Bortkiewicz Corollary»: A Short Note on Maurice Dobb’s’ 1948 Unpublished Paper”.
  • 16th International Conference of the Association Charles Gide, Strasbourg, France, 14-16 April 2016. “The Transformation Problem and «Bortkiewicz Corollary»: A Short Note on Maurice Dobb’s’ 1948 Unpublished Paper”.
  • Conference of the International Walras Association, “Contre Walras”, MSE, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France, 25-26 September 2015. “Taking Seriously Walras’s Physics Envy? On Winiarski’s Metaphors and Meta-General Equilibrium”. With Thomas Mueller.
  • 19th ESHET Annual Conference (European Society for the History of Economic Thought), Rome, Italy, 14-16 May 2015. “Taking Seriously Walras’s Physics Envy? Winiarski’s Thermodynamical General Equilibrium”. With Thomas Mueller.
  • European Innovations, Norms and Models in the Russian Empire (18th - early 20th centuries), ENS Lyon, France, 6-7 November 2014. “Léon Walras’s Fiscal Theory in Russia (1860–1862)”
  • 17th ESHET Annual Conference (European Society for the History of Economic Thought), Kingston University, London, United Kingdom, 16-18 May 2013. “Ziber’s Influence on Tugan-Baranovsky”.
  • 15th ESHET Annual Conference (European Society for the History of Economic Thought), Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 May 2011. “Classical theories of value in Russia: A short note on Ziber’s influential reading”.
  • 14th ESHET Annual Conference (European Society for the History of Economic Thought), Young Scholar Session, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25-27 March 2010. “The ‘marginalist revolution’ and Russian economic thought: Tugan-Baranovsky’s synthetic approach to value theory”.
  • 6th Conference of the International Walras Association (The International Diffusion of Walras’s Economics: Influence, Interpretations and Controversies), Kyoto, Japan, 11-13 September 2008. “Les premiers lecteurs de Walras en Russie (1890-1919)”.
  • 12th ESHET Annual Conference (European Society for the History of Economic Thought), session “Cycles and Crises in Dictionaries”, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-17 May 2008. “Tugan-Baranovskij’s ‘Economic crises’ in Brockhaus and Efron’s Encyclopedia”.

Seminars and workshops

  • Séminaire «Temporalités du capitalisme». 30 May 2024. Presentation of the book Aux origines du capitalisme, avec Nicolas Brisset.
  • Cercle d’épistémologie, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 21 March 2024. Presentation of the book Aux origines du capitalisme, with Nicolas Brisset.
  • American University of Paris, 19 March 2024. Seminar. “Tugan-Baranovsky, Ethics, and Economic Theory”.
  • Séminaire du Centre Walras Pareto, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, 14 December 2023. Presentation of the book Aux origines du capitalisme.
  • Lunch Seminar, Département d’Histoire, Economie et Société, Université de Genève, Genève, 1 December 2023. Presentation of the book Aux origines du capitalisme.
  • Séminaire «Lectures de Marx» à l’ENS, Paris, 16 October 2023. Presentation of the book Aux origines du capitalisme.
  • Conference on the History of Economic Thought Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 24-26 August 2023. Pre-conference workshop. “Is There a Russian Economic Thought”.
  • Séminaire Cournot, BETA, Université de Stasbourg, 23 June 2023. “Comment Charles Bettelheim est devenu «Planning Doctor»”.
  • HOPE Conference “Economists and WWII”, Duke University, Durham (NC), 28-30 April 2023. “Charles Bettelheim and the Making of a Planning Doctor”.
  • Séminaire d’études russes of Alexey Evastratov, Université de Grenoble Alpes, 8 November 2022. “Marxisme et pensée économique russe”.
  • Séminaire d’histoire de la pensée et philosophie des sciences sociales (H2P2S), Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, 14 April 2021. “Robert Brenner et les débats sur l’origine du capitalisme”, with Nicolas Brisset (online).
  • Séminaire d’histoire globale d’Alessandro Stanziani, EHESS, Paris, 19 March 2021. “Tugan-Baranovsky et l’existence d’une pensée économique russe” (online).
  • Séminaire «Textes Fondateurs», P.H.A.R.E., Université de Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, 3 December 2020. “Tugan-Baranovsky (1913), Les Crises industrielles en Angleterre” (online).
  • Roundtable on Sieber, Smolny Department of St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 24 November 2020. “Sieber on Value” (In Russian, online).
  • Séminaire de Civilisation et langues russes d’Alexey Evstratov, Université de Lausanne, 12 November 2020. “Marxisme et pensée économique russe” (online).
  • Séminaires du Centre Walras Pareto, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 11 December 2019. “Sieber, le premier marxiste russe”.
  • Current Research on the History of Economics in Switzerland and Beyond, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 4 June 2019. “Writing and Reading Between the Lines: Methodological Guidelines to Deal with Censorship”.
  • What is Interesting for us in Sieber? (in Russian), Round-table in the framework of the seminar series Economics and Culture, Smolny Department of St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 14 April 2018.
  • N.I.Sieber (1844-88), Swiss citizen: The first Russian Marxist?, Conference, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 22 September 2017. “Sieber as historian of classical political economy”.
  • Séminaire méthodes quantitatives en histoire (CUSO), Lausanne, Switzerland, 22 May 2017. “Le savant, le publiciste et le révolutionnaire: le réseau de Nikolaj I. Sieber (1870–1885)”. With Federico D’Onofrio.
  • The Intellectual Biography of N.I.Sieber and his place in the history of social-economic thought (in Russian), Round-table, Smolny Department of St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 17 February 2017. Presentation of Sieber’s Swiss period, with Federico D’Onofrio.
  • Wage Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, 29-30 September 2016. “Wages, A Sceptical History”, with Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche. More on the Wage Workshop.
  • Les Séminaires du Centre Walras-Pareto, Université de Lausanne, 11 May 2015. “Tugan-Baranovsky à propos de valeur et répartition”.
  • Business Cycles and Economic Growth (Workshop, Fondation Les Treilles, organised by Pascal Bridel and Muriel Dalpont), Les Treilles, 16-21 June 2014. “Were the Marxian Reproduction Schemes Well Suited for the Interrelated Analysis of Business Cycles and Economic Growth”. (programme)
  • Présentisme et accélération (Journée d’études, Université de Lausanne, CWP, organised by Antoine Chollet), Lausanne, 12 June 2014. “Retour ‘Vers un meilleur futur’, autour de Tugan-Baranovsky”. (programme)
  • Meeting Procope/Germaine de Staël (Research Group on Business Cycles), Nice, 4-5 July 2013. “Value and prices in Russian economic thought (1890-1920)”.
  • XIII Summer School on Economic History, Philosophy and History of Economic Thought (STOREP/Charles Gide), Acqui Terme, Italy 1-8 September 2010. “Shaposhnikov’s Theory of value and distribution (1912) as an illustration of a Russian economic tradition”.
  • Workshop on Russian Economics and Statistics (1870-1930), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-5 September 2009. “Tugan-Baranovsky on Value and Price: the Economic Plan as Go-Between”, and “La pensée économique russe et ses historiens : Tugan-Baranovskij et le Brockhaus-Efron”. (programme)
  • PhD Seminars, Centre Walras-Pareto, University of Lausanne, 2007-2011.